Medical Auditing & Coding Blog


Posts tagged coding guidelines
ICD-10-CM Coding for COVID-19 (Updated Aug 3, 2020)

With our nation and the world in a stressful and unique situation due to the CODID-19 virus pandemic, we all are looking for information and facts about this disease. For Health Information Management (HIM) and Clinical Documentation Improvement/Integrity professionals this is time of great attention to details and staying current with clinical coding guidance and information.

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Respiratory Coding in FY2020

Often in emergency and acute care healthcare settings, we find patients with a diagnosis of “Respiratory Failure.” Clinical coding and clinical documentation improvement (CDI) professionals need to have a strong knowledge and understanding of both medical/clinical aspects of diseases as well as the coding guidelines and rules. This blog includes a brief discussion of the clinical aspects and ICD-10-CM coding of Respiratory Failure.

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